Name: Tiwani Adelekan Candidate number: 1192

Monday 26 March 2012

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Editing softwares


iMovie is a proprietary video editing software application sold by Apple Inc. for the Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. It was originally released in 1999 as a Mac OS 8 application bundled with the first FireWire-enabled consumer Mac model – the iMac DV.Since version 3, iMovie has been a Mac OS X-only application included with the iLife suite of Macintosh applications.
iMovie imports video footage to the Mac using either the FireWire interface on most MiniDV format digital video cameras or the computer's USB port. It can also import video and photo files from a hard drive. From there, the user can edit the photos and video clips and add titles, music, and effects, including basic color correction and video enhancement tools and transitions such as fades and slides.
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We used iMovie to edit our thriller due to how easy it is to use and edit effectively. We recorded all our footage and edited our thriller in under a week. However through our editing we found that there was some effects you couldn't do on iMovie we got introduced to Final cut.

Final Cut

Final Cut Pro is a non-linear video editing software developed by Macromedia Inc. and then Apple Inc. The most recent version, Final Cut Pro X, runs on Mac personal computers powered by Mac OS X version 10.6.7 or later and using Intel processors. The software allows users to log and transfer video onto a hard drive (internal or external), where it can be edited, processed, and output to a wide variety of formats.
Since the early 2000s, Final Cut Pro has developed a large and expanding user base, mainly video hobbyists and independent filmmakers. It has, in later years especially, made inroads with film and television editors who have traditionally used Avid Technology's Media Composer. 
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We used final cut for added sounds and effects on the lighting of our thriller and also making the title sequence move slower because this was something iMovie was not capable of doing. However, to produce the title sequence and news broadcast effect we used Motion.


Motion is a software application produced by Apple Inc. for their Mac OS X operating system. It is used to create and edit motion graphics, titling for video production and film production, and 2D and 3D compositing for visual effects.
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We used motion to do our news broadcast animation and create our title sequence after that we exported the sequence and put it back to iMovie so we could work on sound. We used Garageband to create our own sound.



GarageBand is a software application for Mac OS X and iOS that allows users to create music or podcasts. It is developed by Apple Inc. as a part of the iLife software package on Mac OS X.
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We used Garageband  to create our own sound, it was quiet a difficult software to use but we got the basic right enough to produce sounds for our thriller.    

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Analysing Animatic

Analysing Shooting Script


Today me and my group decided to reflect on our blogs and look to see if we have any missing details and information we want to add that will finalise our research and planning so we can start shooting on the 7th of March.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Shooting Schedule

First Draft

Shooting Shedule Gemini


Shooting Shedule Gemini 2

Our Animatic storyboard (pictures)

Sound research

Sound motif

A sound motif is any recurring sound that has symbolic significance in a story. Through its repetition, a motif can help produce other narrative (or literary) aspects such as theme or mood. For example, shark sounds tend to be very noticeable and popular as it is used in a lot of scenes with sharks about to appear.

Synchronous sound

- are those sounds which are synchronized or matched with what is viewed. For example: if the film portrays a character playing the piano, the sounds of the piano are projected.
Both dialogue and sound effects may be recorded during shooting, but sound effects are usually added later. Synchronous Sound is recorded on either magnetic film or tape. On magnetic film perfect synchronization between the picture and the sound can be achieved only if the film and the tape are moving at the same speed. Otherwise, dialogue will not correspond with the lip movements of the actors, and sound effects will not match the action in the film. Synchronous motors on both camera and recorder, as well as the same sort of perforations on both the magnetic film and the camera film, assure synchronization, or sync.
This is what you would find in thrillers especially scenes where there is a police chase or gun shot there as to be synchronous motors on scene to record the sound so during editing if the camera didn't catch all the sound they can add it into the scene.

Asynchronous sound

- which is indigenous to the action but not precisely synchronized with the action.
In a close­up in which the surroundings are not visible, a sound that seeps into the shot sometimes impresses us as mysterious, simply because we cannot see its source. It produces the tension arising from curiosity and expectation. Sometimes the audience does not know what the sound is they hear, but the character in the film can hear it, turn his face toward the sound, and see its source before the audience does. This handling of picture and sound provides rich opportunities for effects of tension and surprise. Asynchronous Sound can acquire considerable importance. If the sound or voice is not tied up with a picture of its source, it may grow beyond the dimensions of the latter. Then it is no longer the voice or sound of some chance thing, but appears as a pronouncement of universal validity. The surest means by which a director can convey the pathos or symbolical significance of sound or voice is precisely to use it asynchronously.
Asynchronous sound is used in thrillers when the antagonist is about to attack but the director add this sound in so the audience know something is about to happen but it could be anything this is to build suspense and thrill the audience we intend to use this in our thriller.

Opening sequence- Black swan

Opening sequence- Salt

Thursday 23 February 2012

Opening sequence 4321

Explanation of Preliminary task

Preliminary task

Equipment testing

Today we tested out the equipment we are going to use to film our thriller. So we used this trial to film our preliminary task and edit on I Movie which is the software we are going to use to edit our thriller.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Animatic Storyboard Research

Ani Ma Tic

I did some research on animatic storyboards and I must say that this is the best example so far as it includes various different camera shots and a clear picture of how their story will be like.

Monday 20 February 2012

Shooting Script

Shooting script first draft Shooting Script Shooting script (re-draft) Shooting Script

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Abduction: Analysing Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist: The leading character or a major character in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.

Antagonist: A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.


Monday 13 February 2012

Sound effects

The reason why i have chosen these specific sound effects its because i think they convey in the thriller genres the most. Especially in action and crime sub-genres of a thriller dog barking occur when the police are chasing the antagonist at the end of the film. The door opening and closing sound effect is usually common in every film genre but for thrillers when the door opens it builds suspense because it could be the scene when the antagonist is about to murder the protagonist or vise-verse. We are going to use the door opening and closing sound effect in our thriller because we think it is very effective in building suspense of what will happen next in one of our scenes.
Open of our sound motifs in our thriller is the heartbeat, we added the heartbeat into our animatic because we thought it would add effect because it is building the thrill and hopefully our audience heartbeats are pumping and we have them at the edge of their seats.
Like how thriller like Jaws as the sound motif we wanted one for our thriller.
The busy station sound was to add the mis-en-scene feel to our thriller because we may get background noise when we film and e will use the sound for artificial effect.
The cell phone ringing is in one of our scene in our thrillers so we decided to play around with the sound before we did our animatic and final piece.
Clock wind up and coin on concrete, traffic were just extra sounds that we thought have appeared in most thrillers we have watched such as limitless and abduction and they were very effect way of using digetic sound.
Daydream sound effect could be one of the added sounds we use in our thriller because it has that upbeat suspense tone to it.
Dogma also as a thriller theme sound to it because of the up tempo thrill effect and is relevant to the atmosphere.
Sirens sound is usually seen in thriller films for when the police or fire fighters arrive at the scene it could be digetic or non-digetic so we decided we want siren for our police scene in our thriller.
Footsteps is used in our animatic as artificial sound because we want people to feel like they are in the shoes of the character and build that relationship and thrill effect.
Incase of late night filming or weather disruption we looked at the forest evening and hard rain effect to add as extra sound to our thriller.
The indulge and mystery sound effect also one of the sounds we may use as extra suspense in our thriller. 


Camera Work

Anaylsing Sucker Punch

This is Kaylie's case study on sucker punch

How does the film use conventions of the genre to create suspense?

Red herring

A red herring is something that draws attention away from the central issue, as in talking about the new plant is a red herring to keep up from learning about downsizing plans. The herring  in this expression is red and strong-smelling from being preserved by smoking. The idiom alludes to dragging a smoked herring across a trail to cover up the scent and throw off tracking dogs.  

Anaylsing Abduction

Sunday 12 February 2012

Sunday 5 February 2012

Film Certification

I researched on Film certification so i got a clearly view of what to do and what not to do in a specified age rating. Me and my group want to target 15 and above, so by doing this research on 15 rating I learnt :


The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.


Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.


Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

Imitable behaviour

Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.


There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest  terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.


Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.


Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.


No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.


Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.
Film Certification

Thriller directors research

I looked at three thriller directors, Christopher Nolan, Felix Gary Gray and Alfred Hitchcock who all have different kinds of ways in which they write, direct and produce a thriller films.
Thriller Directors

Target Audience Research

Me and my group decided we wanted to carry out research on our target audience so that we had a clear idea of what they are interested in and we can develop our ideas from the data we collect.
We brainstormed on questions we thought would be relevant to ask.
First question was about this film posters of thrillers that are quite popular

Film posters

So we questioned our audience
1. Pick a film from this poster you have seen or any other thriller film you have seen and what did you like about it?
2. What thriller have you seen that had the most memorable opening and why did you like this opening?
If the audience replied ' i do not remember any opening' we questioned
3. Why do not you remember the opening ?
4. What do you like about thriller films?

Video response:

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Analysing Obsessed

I anaylised the opeming and fight scene of Obessed and wrote this essay on it and how it shows the conventions of a thriller.

Obsessed Essay

Obsessed Trailer:

Obsessed fight scene:

More background on Obsessed:

I picked obsessed and analyised it because it will give me and my group some ideas especially with camerawork and sound and the sub-genre it is being a drama thriller our ideas will revolve around crime and drama thrillers and also our finished product will be based on our audience research.

Meet My Group

Meet My Group
From left to right: Kaye, Me, Tanya and Lara

This is the group i will be working with for our thriller project. We already started brainstorming ideas and how we are going to blog. We will do everything visually, but we have not been provided with macs so we cant do any video's yet but as soon as we can we will blog videos so there miminal reading for anything we blog. Most of our blogs will be similar and we may appear in the same video's together anaylising the thriller films we watch. We have started to select thriller films we will watch and anaylise so it can inspire our idea. We have started talking about the name of our production company; 21st Century Foxy is a potential name. We also have rough ideas of what we want our thriller project to be about but no final ideas. We also discussed how we will carry out research into what kind of conventions people associate to thrillers and what they would like to see in our thriller because we will ask our target audience. Also we will look at what age rating most thrillers have and consider what age rating we should make our thriller.

My thriller presentation feedback

Thriller Presentation By Tiwani Adelekan

I presented this presentation to my class and overall got a poitive feedback from the class. They said that i gave a good understanding and relevant examples of coventions of a thriller. They said the way i can improve is to say how the techincial conventions such as camerawork help to make conventions of thrillers work and have effects on the audience and also to proof read my work.

Me and my group also gave feedback to the others who did their presentations. Here is a picture of me&tanya writing down feedback for the others.

Sunday 29 January 2012


Welcome to my media AS thriller coursework blog !

I will blog what i have recently done in the past week since we started this coursework.

On the first day we were briefed with what the coursework was about which is to film a 2 minute long opening of a thriller. we were told we will have to blog our work.

Then we were shown examples of blogs by other students and some of their finished products.

We watched Memento for our thriller film in our lesson.
Then i started my research by:

a.       Research different types of thrillers
b.      Write up ‘Memento’. Why was it a thriller? What was it about? Analysis of the protagonist and antagonists.
c.       Research the purpose of an opening sequence.
d.      Analyse the opening sequence of ‘Memento’. You can do this by screen grabbing key shots from the opening sequence.
e.      Then, you i found out what the following are: 180 degree rule, match-on action and shot reverse shot. 

This is my memento research and case study. In this case study research i anaylised the opening of Momento.
