Name: Tiwani Adelekan Candidate number: 1192

Sunday 29 January 2012


Welcome to my media AS thriller coursework blog !

I will blog what i have recently done in the past week since we started this coursework.

On the first day we were briefed with what the coursework was about which is to film a 2 minute long opening of a thriller. we were told we will have to blog our work.

Then we were shown examples of blogs by other students and some of their finished products.

We watched Memento for our thriller film in our lesson.
Then i started my research by:

a.       Research different types of thrillers
b.      Write up ‘Memento’. Why was it a thriller? What was it about? Analysis of the protagonist and antagonists.
c.       Research the purpose of an opening sequence.
d.      Analyse the opening sequence of ‘Memento’. You can do this by screen grabbing key shots from the opening sequence.
e.      Then, you i found out what the following are: 180 degree rule, match-on action and shot reverse shot. 

This is my memento research and case study. In this case study research i anaylised the opening of Momento.


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