Name: Tiwani Adelekan Candidate number: 1192

Monday 13 February 2012

Sound effects

The reason why i have chosen these specific sound effects its because i think they convey in the thriller genres the most. Especially in action and crime sub-genres of a thriller dog barking occur when the police are chasing the antagonist at the end of the film. The door opening and closing sound effect is usually common in every film genre but for thrillers when the door opens it builds suspense because it could be the scene when the antagonist is about to murder the protagonist or vise-verse. We are going to use the door opening and closing sound effect in our thriller because we think it is very effective in building suspense of what will happen next in one of our scenes.
Open of our sound motifs in our thriller is the heartbeat, we added the heartbeat into our animatic because we thought it would add effect because it is building the thrill and hopefully our audience heartbeats are pumping and we have them at the edge of their seats.
Like how thriller like Jaws as the sound motif we wanted one for our thriller.
The busy station sound was to add the mis-en-scene feel to our thriller because we may get background noise when we film and e will use the sound for artificial effect.
The cell phone ringing is in one of our scene in our thrillers so we decided to play around with the sound before we did our animatic and final piece.
Clock wind up and coin on concrete, traffic were just extra sounds that we thought have appeared in most thrillers we have watched such as limitless and abduction and they were very effect way of using digetic sound.
Daydream sound effect could be one of the added sounds we use in our thriller because it has that upbeat suspense tone to it.
Dogma also as a thriller theme sound to it because of the up tempo thrill effect and is relevant to the atmosphere.
Sirens sound is usually seen in thriller films for when the police or fire fighters arrive at the scene it could be digetic or non-digetic so we decided we want siren for our police scene in our thriller.
Footsteps is used in our animatic as artificial sound because we want people to feel like they are in the shoes of the character and build that relationship and thrill effect.
Incase of late night filming or weather disruption we looked at the forest evening and hard rain effect to add as extra sound to our thriller.
The indulge and mystery sound effect also one of the sounds we may use as extra suspense in our thriller. 

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