Name: Tiwani Adelekan Candidate number: 1192

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Analysing Obsessed

I anaylised the opeming and fight scene of Obessed and wrote this essay on it and how it shows the conventions of a thriller.

Obsessed Essay

Obsessed Trailer:

Obsessed fight scene:

More background on Obsessed:

I picked obsessed and analyised it because it will give me and my group some ideas especially with camerawork and sound and the sub-genre it is being a drama thriller our ideas will revolve around crime and drama thrillers and also our finished product will be based on our audience research.

Meet My Group

Meet My Group
From left to right: Kaye, Me, Tanya and Lara

This is the group i will be working with for our thriller project. We already started brainstorming ideas and how we are going to blog. We will do everything visually, but we have not been provided with macs so we cant do any video's yet but as soon as we can we will blog videos so there miminal reading for anything we blog. Most of our blogs will be similar and we may appear in the same video's together anaylising the thriller films we watch. We have started to select thriller films we will watch and anaylise so it can inspire our idea. We have started talking about the name of our production company; 21st Century Foxy is a potential name. We also have rough ideas of what we want our thriller project to be about but no final ideas. We also discussed how we will carry out research into what kind of conventions people associate to thrillers and what they would like to see in our thriller because we will ask our target audience. Also we will look at what age rating most thrillers have and consider what age rating we should make our thriller.

My thriller presentation feedback

Thriller Presentation By Tiwani Adelekan

I presented this presentation to my class and overall got a poitive feedback from the class. They said that i gave a good understanding and relevant examples of coventions of a thriller. They said the way i can improve is to say how the techincial conventions such as camerawork help to make conventions of thrillers work and have effects on the audience and also to proof read my work.

Me and my group also gave feedback to the others who did their presentations. Here is a picture of me&tanya writing down feedback for the others.

Sunday 29 January 2012


Welcome to my media AS thriller coursework blog !

I will blog what i have recently done in the past week since we started this coursework.

On the first day we were briefed with what the coursework was about which is to film a 2 minute long opening of a thriller. we were told we will have to blog our work.

Then we were shown examples of blogs by other students and some of their finished products.

We watched Memento for our thriller film in our lesson.
Then i started my research by:

a.       Research different types of thrillers
b.      Write up ‘Memento’. Why was it a thriller? What was it about? Analysis of the protagonist and antagonists.
c.       Research the purpose of an opening sequence.
d.      Analyse the opening sequence of ‘Memento’. You can do this by screen grabbing key shots from the opening sequence.
e.      Then, you i found out what the following are: 180 degree rule, match-on action and shot reverse shot. 

This is my memento research and case study. In this case study research i anaylised the opening of Momento.
